Monday, September 28, 2009

Woman Fights Off Attacker in New York!

In New York City at the Atlantic Terminal public housing residence a would-be rapist got the surprise of his life!

Approximately at 3:35 a.m. on Thursday, September 3rd a 36-year-old woman was leaving a friend's in the high-rise building at 483 Carton Avenue and was waiting for an elevator when a stranger put her in a choke hold and threatened her with a piece of glass.

The man dragged her to the stairway and ordered her "take off your clothes". The woman refused and fought back. Her assailant punched her in the face and cut her ear but this didn't stop this woman. The man ran down the stairwell with his intended victim chasing him into an opened elevator.

The victim found a security guard on-duty just outside of the building but he refused to stop the fleeing would-be rapist. So she took matters into her own hands and continued to chase her assailant. He got away but this assailant got the surprise of his life!

This woman was determined and a hero; she was determined that he should be caught and not ever allowed to harm another woman. He disappeared into the night of New York City but the bravery and courage that this woman exhibited during her assault is beyond words. She handled herself and escaped a potentially deadly assault.

She protected herself and she was determined to take him out. "Oh Hell No" she thought, turned the tables and had him running scared to death for HIS SORRY LIFE! God help this jerk if he tries to attack another woman WHO IS READY TO FIGHT BACK. The victim refused medical treatment at the scene but was able to give a vivid description of her assailant.

This woman embraced her fear and automatically switched into warrior mode and FOUGHT BACK! There is nothing worse or more dangerous than a pissed off woman.

And, here's hoping that the security guard that wouldn't help her and do his job - that he doesn't have a job now.

Take care and STAY SAFE!
Anny Jacoby
A Success Survivor
"Raising female awareness and skills to reduce susceptibility in response to violence."

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Feathers_by_eclecticdesign (2)For scheduling training, appearances or speaking engagements for Anny, please contact ImaginePublicity.

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