Sunday, September 27, 2009



Jordan Ward, 13 years old was sexually assaulted in BROAD DAYLIGHT in the middle of an amusement park. Jordan was able to get away and credits a special class at school for teaching her how to FIGHT BACK!

A trip in late July a Georgia amusement park should have produced many happy memories for almost a dozen young people from a Cullman church youth group. But what happened that day was a nightmare for one 13-year-old girl.

Eighth-grader Jordan Ward says that she was sitting on a park bench waiting for her friends to finish a ride when a stranger walked directly up to her and assaulted her. She explained what happened, "All of the sudden a man just ran up to me and started touching me in inappropriate places. I was just like "oh my gosh, what is happening?" And right then I just slapped him! I just REACTED!"

According to the police, what Jordan did next may have saved her life and prevented the attack from being even more traumatic. "I just slapped him across the face as hard as I could to get him off of me. And he let go of me and I ran as fast as I could. I don't think I've ever run that hard."

Jordan's experience has reminded all of us who teach women/female Personal Safety/Self-Defense why we do what we do. And, why so many instructor's in our industry remain steadfast with the mission and commitment to stay focused.

We all might have different systems/styles that we teach but most importantly we all teach gals how to defend themselves effectively, be safe, get away, break away and flee to get help. The warrior mentality of stun and run/fight and flight. It's not about going ten rounds with an attacker. Hand-to-hand combat (S.P.E.A.R. system) is taught how to attack an attacker's weaknesses and to take advantage of them. Many things are taught in classes even ground fighting.

Empowering a female of any age to say "NO" is a critical step in preventing sexual assault and abuse. 90% of escaping an attacker is mental. All of us empower females to let them know that, this is her body; her temple. She has one body, mind and spirit and ultimately it is up to her to defend and protect herself at all times.

Hearing Jordan's story and knowing what she learned was effective and knowing that we do make a difference - well, that's what it's all about.

Jordan said, "You don't really think something like this will ever happen to you because I didn't, but it did." And, Jordan was prepared and thank God for her P.E. Coach LeeAnn Evans who worked at bringing personal safety/self-defense to Cullman County.

We commend you Coach Evans, Officer Cindy Rohrscheib and Cullman County Deputy Jennifer Chaffin for bringing self-defense to the girls of Cullman Middle School. Training that they will have for the rest of their lives.

Take care and STAY SAFE!
Anny Jacoby
A Success Survivor
"Raising female awareness and skills to reduce susceptibility in response to violence."

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Feathers_by_eclecticdesign (2)For scheduling training, appearances or speaking engagements for Anny, please contact ImaginePublicity.

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