Monday, September 28, 2009

Time's Up! SOS for Victims, Their Families and Communities

Time's Up! SOS for Victims, Their Families and Communities

Everyday news media outlets shout the headlines of the latest horrendous crime. Whether it be a murder, suicide, missing person, or just a spree of evil laid out upon the world, the news and the court systems are full of crime of every kind.

The general public sits on their comfy sofas and recliners in the living rooms of America taking it all in, sometimes shedding a tear for that poor family that has endured a newsworthy tragedy. Then, the lights go dim, the televisions and computers of America are turned off, and the sleepy public goes to bed comforted by the thoughts that there is no evil pervading their lives. No other thought is given to what they saw today because tomorrow brings a whole new barrage of crime and along with it people and families that have been devastated.

Whether a victim of assault, domestic violence, burglary, murder, or any myriad of crimes that affect the whole core of your life, you will be shocked at how little rights a victims of crime has compared to the rights of the criminals who perpetrated the crime against them.

So a victim and their surviving family members have survived the crime, have gone through the tedious process of the court system for justice, there is someone convicted and behind bars, and life goes on.......nothing could be so far from the truth.

As you will see through this group of writers, activists, advocates, legal entities and people who care, there is a lot lacking in victim's services. When a crime occurs a victim's life is forever changed and we as a society must realize that at any time it could be us.

Time's Up! is a collection of bloggers who are champions for victims of crime. Through this group we hope to bring awareness to the injustices to victims and to search out solutions with an SOS to those in the capacity to make changes happen.

Our writers are from all backgrounds including domestic violence, advocates and survivors, personal safety, murder, missing persons and cold cases.

We also include those who are an inspiration to us through coaching, pastoring and uplifting.

Time's Up! for victims and their rights to be ignored.

I am honored to be part of this stellar group and looking forward the October 5th launch.

Take care and STAY SAFE!
Anny Jacoby
A Success Survivor
"Raising female awareness and skills to reduce susceptibility in response to violence."

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