Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Personal Safety Training - Chapel Hill, NC

No personal safety/self-defense course can guarantee you anything 100% but at least by investing in the education and training you will have a fighting chance. You will learn awareness, learn what the warning signs/red flags are and ultimately how to use your mind, body and spirit to ultimately physically protect and defend yourself in the event of an altercation.

“Life Extension Insurance” How much is your life, your daughter’s or loved one's life worth? Training and education for the rest of one's life.

PERSONAL SAFETY TRAINING FOR FEMALES, AGES 13-65. The Realistic Female Self-Defense Company is scheduling training on Saturday, August 29th, 2-6pm at Chapel Hill/Carrboro Chamber of Commerce, S. Estes Drive, Chapel Hill, NC. Please call, 919-225-1421 or email, anny@realisticfemaleselfde
fense.com or anny@annyjacoby.com for further information and to register.

Minimum 10/20 maximum participants. Cost of training is being offered at a 50% discounted rate. Registration and payment deadline is August 21, 2009 (check, cash, MC & Visa accepted).

Take care and STAY SAFE!
Anny Jacoby
A Success Survivor
"Raising female awareness and skills to reduce susceptibility in response to violence."

If you are in an abusive relationship, you need a plan.
Moving Out, Moving On; authored by Susan Murphy-Milano will guide you through the necessary steps of ending a relationship safely.
You can purchase your copy HERE.

Feathers_by_eclecticdesign (2)For scheduling training, appearances or speaking engagements for Anny, please contact ImaginePublicity.


1 comment:

  1. For as long as I can remember, I have walked with my head down. After reading your site, never again. I thank you from the bottom of my mending heart.
