Saturday, July 11, 2009


You are walking to your friend's home and it's getting dark faster than you anticipated following the directions she emailed to you, you're exactly sure where you are. Walking faster, you pass Second Street, Third Street, Fourth Street, Fifth Street. In an instance your eyes are drawn away from the piece of paper in your hand and you look around, realizing that you are completely lost.

You start to panic. You begin to speak to yourself, "Breathe....breathe". Looking around you feel vulnerable because you don't know where you are; your mind is trying to figure out where you might be and you are limiting your self-protection because you are distracted. As you continue to walk toward the next block, you see two men leaning against the side of a building. You start to think.....Should I ask them for directions? However, you start to get a deep uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Something is telling you to turn around and go in the opposite direction. The warning voice in your head will not go away and it only gets louder and louder matching the increased pace of your heartbeat. You stop, the slight hesitation in your footsteps grabs the attention of the two men. Do you ignore your gut feeling and brush off this strange feeling as paranoia? Or, do you listen to THE voice in your head of the warning signals going off and run like hell?

Intuition. All human beings, women especially, are blessed with this gift. The failure to further develop this inner knowledge and put it into practice on a daily, regular basis is the fastest way for this gift to become dormant and ultimately useless. Using intuition can be as simple as spending a few minutes out of your day by yourself, connecting on a mental and spiritual level. It's about being aware of who you are and your surroundings (where you are and of others around you).

We often do not respect our instincts/intuition because we don't want to become paranoid and make unreasonable decisions as a result. We need to be able to trust our gut, our brain needs to be equally involved in that process. Be Smart. The best way to determine the usefulness and accuracy of intuition is to use it. When it comes to deciding where or not to confront a possible dangerous situation and you begin to get that weak, ill, warning's best to trust those warning signs and to get away. I would rather be wrong of the intuition than risk putting myself in danger. Wouldn't you?

Take care and STAY SAFE!
Anny Jacoby
A Success Survivor
The Realistic Female Self-Defense Company
"Raising female awareness and skill to reduce susceptibility in response to violence."

If you are in an abusive relationship, you need a plan.

Moving Out, Moving On; authored by Susan Murphy-Milano
will guide you through the necessary steps of ending a
relationship safely.

You can purchase your copy HERE.


  1. Anny I wrote a poem to my daughter...The Cry I Never Heard Still Haunts Me. I will soon do a short blog. You can read it in its entirety @ Intuition...doubting...pain lead me to pen the poem.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing.....yes, please share with us. Let me know when you post it, okay? You can email me, Take care and STAY SAFE!

