Sunday, December 6, 2009

loveisrespect on CBS News


December 4, 2009

Not sure if you caught us on the news last night but CBS Evening News with Katie Couric paid a visit to loveisrespect for its coverage of escalating violence in teen relationships. The news crew observed the peer advocates at work as they answered staged chats and calls to get a better glimpse at how everything works. Teen dating violence is a huge issue and loveisrespect has seen a 600 percent increase in calls and chats since 2007.

Technology is a big factor in all of this. There are so many new and different methods being used in abusive relationships such as texting, email and social networking sites like Facebook. Sheryl Cates, CEO of the National Domestic Violence Hotline and loveisrespect spoke with the CBS crew and mentioned how technology has changed the dynamics of the abuse we are seeing. Check out the full story here or click here to watch the video.

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