Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Woman's Self-Worth......FIGHT FOR IT, DAMN IT!

Self-Worth; this is a word that is so much easier to say and spell then it is to feel!

Why do so many women feel that they have no self-worth? How did they lose it? Is it because of the way the world has portrayed the perfect woman today? Is it because someone took it from them? Is that the void some fill by over eating? Did their partner breach a trust? Does their partner demean them with insults about how they look? Did their partner admire other women? Did they grow up being ridiculed by a family member? Have they been suffering from a controlling illness? Were they bullied and criticized through their school years? Were they sexually abused as a child? Were they laughed at in a moment of vulnerability? Were they ever raped or abused?

All of these experiences play a part of pouring a woman's self-worth right down the toilet. The people causing these kind of negative actions are totally responsible for destroying and tearing down a woman's worth. To destroy or tear down a woman's self-worth
is one of the cruelest ways to treat a human being. It is a no win situation for that woman. They cannot fight back. They are being attacked blindfolded. Humiliation has succeeded - the battle is won. Anyone can win against innocence. When the battle turns around is when the true win begins. A true win is when the person who has lost her self-worth stands up and takes the control back.

For those that have been through a battle and are struggling or may have struggled to just get up on an elbow, feel empty inside and so alone that you wonder why you even get up in the morning.................YOU CAN AND WILL BEAT THIS!

You are not responsible for falling or losing the battle. But YOU ARE TOTALLY responsible for getting back up. It is you that has to pull it together. You need to go back as far as you can in your mind that puts a smile on your face. If you can't then think of someone that you know that is hurtin
g more deeply than yourself and use that as your motivation. Go there in your mind. Use these thoughts to give you reason to get up, dust yourself off and pull yourself together.
You are as strong as your greatest strength. You will always be stronger than your greatest weaknesses. Those weaknesses will never win again your strengths..........never!

Yes, you have been hurt, disappointed, and raped of one of your most sacred emotions, SELF-WORTH. NOW YOU WANT IT BACK, SO TAKE IT BACK DAMN IT! It is right inside of you. You just have to bury it under all of your dirty laundry. You can continue to feel empty, use drugs, alcohol or even food to fill that void inside of you. You can miss out on life because you are forgetting to fight and it is so much easier to have a pity party. You can worry about if you try to gain back your self-worth that you will fail and feel even more lonely. You may fail the first try, second or third. You feel that it's all hopeless. If you give into that feeling, then you are truly letting yourself down as well others that love and care for you. YOU have now become responsible for losing your chance at regaining your self-worth. You are allowing whatever it was that tore you apart in the first place to take control of all of you and your soul. You are allowing a memory to defeat you. There is no person there, just a thought. A memory that you are allowing to ruin what little time you have on this earth. Why are you doing this? You know that you can stop it. You know how! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off; you must move onto HABITS - positive habits of thinking. You must reconstruct your thought patterns to think WIN, not to LOSE. IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THE WORDS, "GIVE UP" FROM YOUR VOCABULARY and replace them with "NEVER GIVE UP!". You must make a new commitment to yourself, the only one that you can reach out and touch!

The strength of negative thinking is overwhelming and controlling in itself. I have felt it's power many, many times. Honestly, to the point that I could hardly feel myself breath. That was when I knew that I, and only I could stop it and take back the control of my destiny. You must look inside of yourself and dig for the real you. Don't dig for the you that has been scarred, wounded or hurt but the you that can smile and laugh and
appreciate all of the good things in life. If you will just open your positive side and allow the great things to reach you the feeling will be truly uplifting. The more positive thoughts that you fill yourself with, the less negative thoughts can't survive. You must also be honest with your bad habits, what they are and where they are taking you. Identify them and how they are bringing you down, instead of up. The bad habits that you have allowed to run your life. Now, as you have invited them in, you will un-invite them. And, say no to abusing drugs, alcohol and yes FOOD!

To strengthen the mental you, you must strengthen the physical you. I am not referring to becoming a body builder or a full bore athlete. I simply mean a healthier you, A YOU THAT YOU WANT TO BE!

Please remember, whatever it was that brought you down in yourself is in the past.
If you continue to allow
the pain to live inside of you, you will suffer.
The past is over and there is no suffering on your part that will erase it.
Get on with life.
Reach deep inside of yourself and bring back the who you are. Bring back the person you can smile in the mirror.
Bring back the person you talk to all of the time.
Bring back the person that you were meant to be.
Bring back you, and then..............YOU WILL HAVE YOUR SELF-WORTH BACK!

Please join me with Susan Murphy-Milano as we discuss:

A Woman's Self Worth......Fight For It, Damn It!
Live On The Susan Murphy Milano Show

The Susan Murphy Milano Show

Date : Wednesday, 7/15/2009

Time: 4:00 PM EST 3:00 PM CST 1:00 PM PST

Call-in Number: (347) 326-9337

Take care and STAY SAFE!
Anny Jacoby
A Success Survivor
The Realistic Female Self-Defense Company
"Raising female awareness and skills to reduce susceptibility in response to violence."

If you are in an abusive relationship, you need a plan.

Moving Out, Moving On; authored by Susan Murphy-Milano will guide you through the necessary steps of ending a relationship safely.

You can purchase your copy HERE.

National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Coalition Against Sexual Assault

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