Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Impact of Perceived Risk and Fear of Sexual Assault on Campus

Fear of violent crime among men and women on campus: the impact of perceived risk and fear of sexual assault.

Prior research has consistently shown that women are more afraid of crime than men despite the fact that men are much more likely to be victims of all crime except sexual assault and intimate partner violence. The "shadow of sexual assault" hypothesis argues that women's fear of sexual assault shadows their fear of other types of crime, particularly violent crime. Building on prior research by Ferraro (1996) and Fisher and Sloan (2003), this study examines the individual and combined impact of perceived risk and fear of sexual assault on fear of robbery and assault among college students. Findings indicate that fear of sexual assault is the stronger predictor of fear of crime for women and that perceived risk is the stronger predictor for men.

Lane J, Gover AR, Dahod S. Violence and Victims 2009; 24(2): 172-92.
Affiliation: Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law, University of Florida, Gainesville 32611-7330, USA. jlane@...http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/springer/vav/2009/00000024/00000002/art00004
(Copyright © 2009, Springer Publishing)

from www.safetylit.org

Take care and STAY SAFE!
A Survivor
The Realistic Female Self-Defense Company
"Raising female awareness and skills to reduce susceptibility in response to violence.


  1. Very true indeed. This fear exists in many women I know, and to a certain extent in me too. The place I live in is very well-known as the 'crime city of India--Noida' A place where a woman is assulted everyday, at home or in campus, this fear is spreading like an epidemic. And the only solution is knowledge of self-defence.

  2. Thank you for your comment and support. There is a real difference between Martial Arts and Personal Safety/Self-Defense. Look into training if I can help at all please contact us. You will have it the rest of your life. Take care and STAY SAFE!
